Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Planetary Stewardship

"Among the chief barriers to a comprehensive [international climate change] deal in Copenhagen is Congress’s inability to enact climate and energy legislation that sets binding targets on greenhouse gases in the United States. Without such a commitment, other nations are loath to make their own pledges."

-John Broder, "Hope Fades for Comprehensive Climate Treaty," NYTimes 10-20-09

I understand that we in the US don't want to make sacrifices for the environment if other countries are simply going to take advantage of the situation and pollute more. However, negotiators are working right now to devise a plan that won't let anyone off the hook. It appears that we're in a position where a positive step on our part may elicit a positive step from everyone else.

Our representatives need to know that we support prudent steps toward protecting our planet on an international level. I'm going to write a letter (probably an email, actually) to my representative ASAP. The fate of some vulnerable island nations may hang in the balance! And planetary stewardship is important under any circumstances.

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